VIC HOPE - Buenos Aires

Vic Hope is one of those sacrilly driven people who manages to keep their car stuck to the track. She is the scalextric car that can do hairpins at full speed. She taught herself A-level spanish in her free time in order to get in Cambridge for goodness sake. At the same time she is fashionable, beautiful and funny. She’s charming, exciting and generous too. I don’t understand how she has any friends at all.

One of the many exciting things she’s done in her life is live for a year in Argentina. Her passion for Buenos Aires is infectious. Also she seems genuinely interested in my favourite named dinosaur - Brachytrachelopan.

Can she convince Shaun however, who can’t tell silver from gold? Find out by listening to Your Place Or Mine:

Listen live on bbc radio 4 saturdays at 10am


Listen live on bbc radio 4 saturdays at 10am 〰️