QED, InKredulous and Quacks
I'm busy working on the next episode of The Z List Dead List. Fortunately, it will be an easy one to put together as it is all about a worm doctor. Alas, not a doctor who makes worms better, but one in the 18th century who would eradicate them from the insides of his patients. These included things which never actually were inside them, roaches, eels, woodlice... which he then put into jars and proudly displayed. I've save the rest of this story for Caroline Rance to tell you about in the podcast itself...
I recorded the audio at this years QEDcon: an annual convention of Skeptics and science based evidence. Basically, a massive meeting of all those pendants who ruin perfectly good ghost stories and stop you wasting money down Holland & Barrett. Was a fun affair, as well as bumping into Iain Boldsworth, hanging out with a not only vegan but also sober (oor thing) Michael Legge, I got to hand out awards, record the Z List Dead List and also the Inkredulous podcast which I first did back in the noughties.
On the panel were Dean Burnett – Neuroscientist, author of The Idiot Brain and the Brainflapping column for the Guardian newspaper (@garwboy) Dave Alnwick – Magician, Michael Marshall (of the Good Thinking Society, Merseyside Skeptics Society, co-host of Skeptics with a K and co-organiser for QED (@MrMMarsh)) and Andy Wilson (@InKredulosi) of the Merseyside Skeptics Society and co-organiser of QED conference.
It was a fun recording and certainly a bit 'edgy' in places - yet again Elevatorgate* was brought up but we muscled through and all in all I'd say it made a damn fine podcast worthy of your ears.
Andy threatens us with a machete during the recording for added jeopardy...
Recording live podcasts is so much fun. I'm doing another this saturday: Global Pillage in London.
(*Elevatorgate was when a brilliant skepchick, and good friend of mine, Rebecca Watson angered a lot of people back in 2011. After giving a lecture on making women feel more welcome at conventions she was later propositioned in a lift at 4am. She made a video about it where she dared to say, 'don't do that guys'. At which point the #notallmen brigade made so many death and rape threats to her and anyone (inc. moi) associated with her that it was almost comical.)