She's Irish, Spanish, American and Mistress to the King of Bavaria married 3 times, Dancer, actress, lecturer, author and murderer? Iszi thinks so. Doug Segal isn't so sure.
A spooky late night at the Museum
Read MoreAll about Stonehenge… and what that has to do with people called Beaker.
Read MoreA random number generator with a soap opera attached, what are the origins of Basketball and what makes a good sport? Dr Steve Cross is on a mission to make us nerds appreciate the squeak of converse on hardwood.
Ian Hislop interview plus Iszi takes you round the exhibition!
Read MoreWhat has Pears Soap, a soprano, bell ringing orphans, a lesbian affair, ritual dowsing, litigation and a Monkey called Mr Titileehee have to do with the advancement of women's rights? Author, actor, comedian, hero Emma Kennedy will tell you.
Alice Fraser explains how 6 stolen boots, a snake and drawing lots result in a man being eaten? Welcome to the horrible tale of Alexander Pearce 1790-1824. Who would eat humans... even when he strictly didn't 'need' to.
Jo Caulfield tells you about the infamous Mrs Prodgers - a litigious fighter for justice and lower taxi cab bills. Recorded live at The British Museum
Read MoreJoyce Tyldesley on the face that made Hitler forget he was racist.
Read MoreMitch Benn on a man who not so much has been forgotten but rather DELIBERATELY written out of History…
Read MoreIrving Finkel and Florence Schecter on heroes of code breaking… ok, one translated ancient languages and the other helped crack the enigma code because of a typo. One man very good at translation was Jean-François Champollion and how he came to use the Rosetta Stone… a LOT of podcasts for your ears!
Read MoreLiving in the iron age… tiny cows, holiday homes and fingerprint pots - a great interview with Julia Farley
Read MoreDating objects, CT scanning and how big Data are changing the way we see the past!
Read MoreThe most outrageous thing is that you have never heard of Emmy Noether and without her Einstein wouldn't be a thing.
Read MoreHow was the Rosetta Stone translated and who did it?
Read MoreWhat woman links Sanskrit, The National Trust, Narnia and Catholicism?
Read MoreThe WORST DEATH of all time. Plus nearly getting hit by a pig in a drain. What stops London collapsing? Here is a clue... eat some prunes.
Read MoreHow does Museum Design work? How do you communicate History through objects?
Read MoreSin Eaters with Bob Mills
Read MoreA brief episode on Music Hall, St Paul and Winston Churchill's double.
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